EA Play 2019

EA Play 2019: Geek Errant E3 Reports

June 8, 2019 Conor 0

EA Play 2019 was the first big show of E3 2019, and they promised new info on their highly anticipated Star Wars title, as well as updates to all their existing games. So what did we see?

EA Conference 2018 Anthem Classes

E3 EA Conference 2018: Underwhelming and Safe

June 9, 2018 Conor 0

The E3 EA Conference 2018 was very much muted this year. Not a whole lot of things we haven’t seen. The whole delivery here appeared to be based around making as little fuss or promise as possible, while still trying to show off the newest games  

EA Experience 2016 

June 12, 2016 Conor Caulfield 0

Pre-E3 Pre Amble. Not technically going with a conference this year, EA is hosting EA Play Events in Los Angeles and London, but also broadcasting their new trailers in a timed message around about the same moment. So nothing really changed then for the majority of the audience watching at home.