Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite Fighting Forever

December 5, 2016 Conor 0

In spite of leaks and hints ahead of time, Sony waited for the Capcom Cup to reach it’s final stages before showing off their latest trailer. Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite is here. Are you ready to see some of your favourite game characters beat the snot out of your favourite comic characters? Check it out below!

The Last of Us Part II

Last of Us Part II: First Footage shown at PSX

December 3, 2016 Conor 0

Sony finally unveil the highly anticipated sequel to one of the greatest games of the last generation. After many leaks and hints by developers and voice actors, See the future for Joel and Ellie below!

Geek Errant Reviews: Pokemon Sun & Moon

November 30, 2016 Conor 0

As the year of events marking the 20th anniversary of Pokemon comes to a close, it only seems logical to look to the future of the franchise. If Pokemon Sun & Moon are the future, then this series is heading in a very positive direction. Maybe you haven’t played a Pokemon game other than Go for a long time, these are the games for you. Even if you were already a fan, then these are the mechanically and narratively the best the series has had to offer in a while.

Geek Errant Reviews: Black Mirror Season 3

October 27, 2016 Conor 0

I know the move to Netflix is great. And I know you have your habits. But Do Not binge watch Black Mirror. Don’t do it. It’s amazing, I get that. You want to watch more. It is wonderful, but pick an episode, watch it, take a break. It deserves it. Netflix has mostly got it’s original programming series designed to be watched in a sequence, sometimes not even paying attention properly. Black Mirror is worth considering. Pore over it. I’m going to go through the episodes for commenting, but I’ll be avoiding spoilers for the most part where I can.

The Nintendo Switch: What is it?

October 20, 2016 Conor 0

Nintendo seem to have learned their lesson from the announcement of the WiiU. Where that announcement was a bloated, feature filled exercise in justifying its own existence, and the Console suffered from a confusing brand name that didn’t help. The Switch looks different. The Switch is Different.

Weekly Pop Culture Round Up: September 25th

September 25, 2016 Conor 0

The week starting September 25th has a whole host of FOX based comedies coming back, then the annualised games releases continue with Forza and FIFA. Some anticipated indie games like Clustertruck and Serial Cleaner give the scene a bit of Variety, whilst in Film, fictionalised biopics and weird comedy are there to round off the week.

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