Spiderman Homecoming Review

Spiderman Homecoming Review

July 6, 2017 Conor 0

It’s impossible to divorce Spiderman Homecoming from the circumstances of its creation. After Sam Raimi’s Spiderman 1&2 were excellent, 3 was merely okay and then the miserable Amazing Spiderman 1+2 came on to the scene, it was hard to deal with the fact that the world’s most popular superhero wasn’t going to be good on the silver screen again. Then, Sony and Marvel managed to come together just before Captain America: Civil War to bring the webslinger back to our screens as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Now, we get a Co-production, where Sony and Marvel have combined efforts to get Peter Parker back to come “home” with Marvel. The strain on the production to get everything under one umbrella shows. Spiderman Homecoming. It’s a little rushed, slightly scrappy, but it’s a good Spiderman film nonetheless.

Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite Fighting Forever

December 5, 2016 Conor 0

In spite of leaks and hints ahead of time, Sony waited for the Capcom Cup to reach it’s final stages before showing off their latest trailer. Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite is here. Are you ready to see some of your favourite game characters beat the snot out of your favourite comic characters? Check it out below!