June 11, 2016 Conor Caulfield 0

So E3 this year has begun early, with multiple new titles all being unveiled in the weeks prior to the event. The thinking behind all of this is that the games won’t be lost in the crush of the main conferences, or get overshadowed by bigger, more entertaining announcements. So in that respect, let’s look at this crush of games that all hit at once and that I’m gonna lump together.

Lego Avengers Review: Needs more Assembly.

February 10, 2016 Conor Caulfield 1

I really wanted this game to be great. Lego Marvel Super Heroes (the predecessor to this game) was a slightly flawed, but delightfully enchanting entry in the Lego X franchise, with it’s capacity for whimsy, huge cast of Marvel Characters and a whole island of Manhattan to have characters like Spiderman and Hulk fight and wander over.

Lego Avengers is in many ways a step back.