Pokemon Let’s Go is on Switch, It’s Different and that’s Okay.

May 30, 2018 Conor 0

Game Freak and the Pokemon company have shown off the news that Pokemon will be getting it’s first entry in the Franchise on the Nintendo Switch. In the form of a pair of spin offs, Pokemon Let’s Go and Pokemon Quest. Before the pitchforks are raised, remember two things. One, not everything is made specifically for you. Two. Pokemon has been getting spin off games since the Gameboy version of the Pokemon Trading Card Game and Hey You, Pikachu in 1998. This is not new. So what have we got coming to Switch in 2018?

Geek Errant Reviews: Pokemon Sun & Moon

November 30, 2016 Conor 0

As the year of events marking the 20th anniversary of Pokemon comes to a close, it only seems logical to look to the future of the franchise. If Pokemon Sun & Moon are the future, then this series is heading in a very positive direction. Maybe you haven’t played a Pokemon game other than Go for a long time, these are the games for you. Even if you were already a fan, then these are the mechanically and narratively the best the series has had to offer in a while.

Pokémon Go: The Next Generation of Game

July 11, 2016 Conor Caulfield 0

Pokémon in the real world. The dream since 1998. This app is so close to being that. And yet also so very far away. Pokémon Go is an app for IOS and Android phones. Developed in Co-operation with Niantic, the game uses their experience with Geo-Caching (placing marks on a real map to interact with gameplay) in order to simulate the experience of travelling and catching Pokémon. The game is not a replication of the mechanics of the handheld games, instead choosing thematic and simplified versions of the systems to work for this much larger, multi-player and publicly accessible game. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qryf2F_QfXg&w=560&h=315]