Bethesda E3 2019 Title

Bethesda E3 2019: Geek Errant Reports

June 10, 2019 Conor 0

Not expecting any big news from Bethesda here, as Starfield and Elder Scrolls VI have already been announced as not attending. So what’s on show for Bethesda E3 2019?

Bethesda Conference Blowout

June 13, 2016 Conor Caulfield 0

Bethesda had their first conference last year, and it was easily one of the most impressive. But that was largely due to the presence of Doom and the hype for Fallout 4. Now, can they match up?

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Bethesda Conference Catch Up

June 15, 2015 Conor Caulfield 0

Preamble: Bethesda kicks things off this year. The newcomer has a lot to prove, and they certainly seem to be heading that way. They’re coming in on three main prongs. Starting early and surprising pretty much everyone, they unveiled Fallout 4 earlier this month, showing off a teaser that will probably lead to a gameplay reveal during the conference. Secondly, the DOOM reboot has been teased, and gameplay is all but certain, lest we riot. Thirdly, and most recently, an open mic leak on a twitch test stream on Saturday accidentally revealed Dishonoured 2. Not that shocking as a sequel goes, but that’s a welcome addition. So three games at least, hopefully all showing gameplay, to get things started. As for other stuff, I’d assume Elder Scrolls online will be due for some sort of gameplay expansion, especially as the console versions only launched a while ago. As for anything else, not a clue. Wolfenstein making an appearance maybe?