Spring Nintendo Direct

March 3, 2016 Conor Caulfield 0

Directly to you. Through me. So shall we try that again? No Pokemon to steal the show this time. Nintendo Direct for the 3rd of March 2016, covering all the games of spring and summer. Presumably this will be taking us right up to E3 and the NX announcement. Speaking of which, no news here. They’re holding off on that, even more so than expected. This does mean that if we don’t hear too much about Zelda WiiU here, I’ll be putting more faith in those rumours about the NX and the double platform launch.

Pokemon Direct.

February 26, 2016 Conor Caulfield 0

So today, 26th February, Nintendo will be gracing us with the second Nintendo Direct of the year. As the first focussed only on Smash Bros, the second will similarly be an all Pokemon agenda. So what can we expect?

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