Venom Title

Venom Review: An Edgelord film with no Edge

October 6, 2018 Conor 0

Venom is not a good movie. Venom is not a well made movie. It fails to understand plot structure, basic theme escapes it and the characters are somehow awful, uncompelling and forgettable all at once. Venom is a fascinating trainwreck in slow motion that I watched with my mouth agape and my hands clawing at my face.

Spider-Man Title Card

Spider-Man Review: A Spectacular Superhero Story

September 10, 2018 Conor 0

Spider-Man is the best superhero game that exists right now. It earns this title for so many reasons. Not just the superbly realised world of New York. Not just the simple yet challenging character action combat. Not even the intuitive webswinging that anchors the whole game. Spider-Man is the best superhero game because it understands the genre better than any so far. It is a game about being a hero, and doing good.

E3 Sony Conference 2018 Title

E3 Sony Conference 2018: Quality of Games, Not Quantity of Games

June 12, 2018 Conor 0

The E3 Sony Conference 2018 will be the last of the full conferences, and we’re well aware of what’s to come. Because the PlayStation expo offers Sony a chance at some competition free media space later in the year, here we’re getting four deep dives into highly anticipated games. Spider-Man, Ghosts of Tsushima, The Last of Us 2 and Death Stranding will be the games on show here primarily. But will we see anything else? Let’s hope so.

Spiderman Homecoming Review

Spiderman Homecoming Review

July 6, 2017 Conor 0

It’s impossible to divorce Spiderman Homecoming from the circumstances of its creation. After Sam Raimi’s Spiderman 1&2 were excellent, 3 was merely okay and then the miserable Amazing Spiderman 1+2 came on to the scene, it was hard to deal with the fact that the world’s most popular superhero wasn’t going to be good on the silver screen again. Then, Sony and Marvel managed to come together just before Captain America: Civil War to bring the webslinger back to our screens as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Now, we get a Co-production, where Sony and Marvel have combined efforts to get Peter Parker back to come “home” with Marvel. The strain on the production to get everything under one umbrella shows. Spiderman Homecoming. It’s a little rushed, slightly scrappy, but it’s a good Spiderman film nonetheless.