Rome: Total War: Portable War

August 12, 2016 Conor Caulfield 0

Announced today for iPad (and probably following to Android and Windows with enough response) Rome: Total War. The game, first released in 2004, has been adapted for use on modern tablets. Feral Interactive handle lots of positive Mac and Linux ports, so they’re taking the lead on this one. So with a new UI, you too can play the fourteen year old game wherever and whenever you’d like.

Luke Cage: Man of Steel

August 9, 2016 Conor Caulfield 0

“Sometimes if you want Justice, You have to get it yourself.” [youtube] Well this looks fantastic. The first full trailer for Luke Cage has been unleashed by Marvel and Netflix, and it looks like it gives us a pretty good taste of what’s in store on September 30th.

No Man’s Sky: Server Wipes and Delays

August 6, 2016 Conor Caulfield 0

No Man’s Sky, only a week away from its releases on PS4 and PC, has been undergoing a rash of news stories lately with the incredibly anticipated space exploration game having multiple copies leak before general release.

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Near Death Review: The Martian on Ice

August 3, 2016 Conor Caulfield 0

You are a pilot running supplies to Antarctic Research stations. Your Plane goes down in a storm. You stumble out to try to find shelter. It’s -38C with the wind. You make your way into the nearest base. It’s abandoned. You’re Near Death. An hour and a half later, you’re using the rope lines you’ve been planting to guide yourself through the blizzard. It’s now -80C and you can’t see anything but the mild glow of the base’s wall lamps. You ran out of batteries for your torch when you left the last shelter. You need to reach a safe spot right now. Near Death was created by Orthogonal Games. (previously of The Novelist, a game which has been highly recommended to me) to paraphrase their own words, “it’s not a survival game, It’s a game about survival”. And it is great.

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